
INVOLVE 2023: The Stars That Guide Us Keynote - Anya Satyanand and Pooja Subramian

DAY 2 - Rātū 15 Ākuhata / Tuesday 15 August 9.30am

Anya Satyanand

My working life has been about equipping, emboldening and inspiring young people, entrepreneurs and leaders to build a relationship with the future and cocreate a just and regenerative world. I'm a recovering teacher, latebreaking youth worker, and a leadership development enthusiast. Arundhati Roy says, "another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day I can hear her breathing." I think about this world constantly - the proximity and realness of a more hopeful future, and all its possibilities.

Pooja Subramanian

Pooja Subramanian is the current Executive Director at RainbowYOUTH, a national charity that provides support, information and advocacy to rainbow young people across Aotearoa. Pooja is from South India, raised in Oman, and has worked in the family violence sector prior to joining the RainbowYOUTH team in 2018. Pooja is particularly interested in ways in which we can improve the health and wellbeing of queer, gender diverse, takatāpui & intersex young people in Aotearoa by educating the communities that support them.


INVOLVE 2023: The Stars That Guide Us - Arts Session


INVOLVE 2023: The Stars That Guide Us - Systems Change Session